Saturday, February 6, 2010

Noise pollution affect in human being

Saturday, February 6, 2010 0 comments

Pollution is the process of making air, water, soil etc dirty or the state of being dirty. There are different types of pollution like air pollution, noise pollution, pollution due to the over crowd of the people, pollution due to the careless through of the garbage and dust particles etc. The more environment is polluted, the more the people suffer from different types of disease. Therefore, we have to be very careful on our part to check this age effectively as it is possible. Nose pollution is caused from the over crowd of the people from the vehicles. When he residential area is over crowded, the area will be full of the people. If the people make unnecessary noises in the junctions and roundabouts, that noise will give negative impact to the students and the other people as well. Noise disturbs the mind of the people, more over of the students mind is negatively and entirely disturbed. similarly, when the drivers play horn of the vehicles in no reasons, that the noise produce by the horns will also polluted our mind and also the environment ultimately.
The more the people the more the noise pollution. The people should takes the points into consideration that their talk, dialogues and multilingual should not any more disturb others.

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