Drug addiction is one of the greatest and serious problems in the present day. People takes drugs to cured from illness. Some people use artificial vitamines and slowly they can slaves of such vitamins. As a result they start to take such medicine and their health damaged.People use medicin without prescription of a registerd medical officiers. We must take medicine by the good advice of a physician only otherwise we can be addicted by such drugs. Drugs in various forms as liquid, tablet, ointment, dust, capsule can be found. Not only usual drugs they use but also they use other harmful drugs as heroin, morphine, phethidine, brown sugar, opium, etc. Morphine and opium are also useful for curing illness but if people use them regularly as addiction, our health is totally damaged. The young people, unemployed persons have been addicted more. The main reason why people espescially youngsters take such drugs is great curiosity, but there is also the desire to fallow their friends. They makes friendship and start to use smoking, tobacco, wine or some of them take powerful drugs. Slowly they became sick, perhaps the most important reason is lack of suitable recreation. So that drugs users is being increased day by day.
There are some recomendations, which can be helpful for controlling such drugs addiction. Strict ruels should be made for the producers and sellers of hard drugs. The drugs must be banned which is completly harmful to the person. Goverment must estabilish the oppertunities for employment for all. Technical training centers must be given to priority to the youngers. We must help young people for recovering from emotional distrubances without relying on drugs. At last DO NOT DRUGS.
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