Saturday, February 6, 2010

importance of physical fitness in human health

Saturday, February 6, 2010 0 comments

importance of physical fitness in human health

Exercise makes our body healthy and active. When
a persons does not do exercise his/her body became
weak he/she becomes lazy, gainsimportance of physical fitness weight and suffer
from many kinds of of diseases like indigation, heart disease and also suffer from mental problems.Physical fitness is pre-requirement to perform any task. A person who is physically fit can do any work adequately. Physical fitness keep s a persons healthy, strong, energetic and active. Our body function under muscular and organic power. This power can be developed to a top limit through regular exercise. A person can be called physically fit only when he/she has developed muscular and organic power adequately with the highest possible efficiency. The highest possible efficiency defers from person to person. The limit is generally determinant by the heredity and health of a persons. it means a persons potential physical capacity may not be the same to others due to his health and heredity.
When a person does not do exercise he/her body becomes week he/she becomes lazy, gains, weight and suffers from many kind of disease like; indigestion, heart and lungs disease and also suffers from mental problem. Our body needs balance between rest and exercise. The persons who does not do exercise regularly, can not do physically works easily and also can not walk and run fast. Because of his/her weak body he loss job and life become difficult. Exercise like running, cycling, mountain climbing, and swimming makes our body fit and always ready for different kind of physical work. Exercise makes our life healthy and easy thus we should d exercise regularly.

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