Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Population Explosion in Nepal

Wednesday, February 24, 2010 0 comments

There are more people in the world. Population is being increased in an alarming rate. Malthus, a malthematician has told that human population always increases to the limit of the food available. After 1990 new scientific technique was appilied so that peoplestarted to restrict the disease. Nowadays cause of modern facilities and education death rate is decrease and there are more people. The developed countries do not have the problem of over population because the people are educated and aware of the consequence of over population. People started to be aware and peace was formed as a reasult was lowered and population increase. More medicine were made and physicians treated the patients. As a reasult of scientfic research, after 1950 western contries began practising birth control. The USA/UK tried to research for artificial and natural birth control method.
In the situation of nepal, the increase of population has also created problems. Inour country, we have also traditional belif that we must produce children more because they are the gift of GOD and ANCESTORS. In Nepal the population was 15 million in the census of 2048 V>S but now this number is increasing in an alraming rate. According to the calculation in2056 Ashad, there are 23 million people. The increase rate is higher. If this rate not lower, we will face more problems in the future
When there is more population in the nation,it results a lot of problem. Some of the problem of population are; poverty, malnutrition, pollution, unemployment,etc. The main problems is deforastation itmeans cutting down trees to make space for people. Due to deforastation, soil erosion and desertification can get high chance. Thanpeople will be suffering the stravation and brain dammage as well as people may die. Malnutrition is the major problem and we have to seen higher child death rates. A poverty family can't send all his children to schol,colleges and universities because they have thefinancial problems. The family are not able to give tat chances of get proper education. Duet to over population the nation can't give adquate oppertunities of employment.
Therefore in our country or the nation all the people must be aware to use permanent and temporary family planning tools. Public awarness as well as good education is more effective to control birth rate. We must not wait for marriage must not to be held before 20 years and birth interval must be 3-5 years. The population is automatically controlled.

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Sunday, February 21, 2010

Nervous system of the human body

Sunday, February 21, 2010 0 comments

Nervous system is the cheif controlling and co-ordinating system of the body. The central nervous system comprised of brain and the spinal cord controles motor and sensory functiond of the body. it controles and regulates all the body. It controles and regulates all the activities of the body, wheltger voluntary or involuntary and adjust the individuals (organism) to the given surroundings. The special properties of sensitivity, conductivity responsiveness of the nervous system.
The function of nervous system
- Regulation of information
- Transformation of it's own secretion
- Regulation of bodily function
- Storage of information and development of thoughtsthrough learning and gaining experiments
nervous system is devided into two types. One is central nervous systemand anotheris peripheral nervous system.
Neurone is defined as structional and functional unit of nervous system. The cerebllum and brain stem from the spinal cord to complete the central nervous system. The spinal cord to complete the central nervous system. The spinal cord is the peripheral nervous system, conveying messages from the nervous system, conveying messages from the nervous to the brain, and relying the response from the brain. The peripheral nervous system includes all the nervous system includes all the nervous distributed throughout the body.

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Drug Addiction problem among young


Drug Addiction problem among young

Drug addiction is one of the greatest and serious problems in the present day. People takes drugs to cured from illness. Some people use artificial vitamines and slowly they can slaves of such vitamins. As a result they start to take such medicine and their health damaged.People use medicin without prescription of a registerd medical officiers. We must take medicine by the good advice of a physician only otherwise we can be addicted by such drugs. Drugs in various forms as liquid, tablet, ointment, dust, capsule can be found. Not only usual drugs they use but also they use other harmful drugs as heroin, morphine, phethidine, brown sugar, opium, etc. Morphine and opium are also useful for curing illness but if people use them regularly as addiction, our health is totally damaged. The young people, unemployed persons have been addicted more. The main reason why people espescially youngsters take such drugs is great curiosity, but there is also the desire to fallow their friends. They makes friendship and start to use smoking, tobacco, wine or some of them take powerful drugs. Slowly they became sick, perhaps the most important reason is lack of suitable recreation. So that drugs users is being increased day by day.
There are some recomendations, which can be helpful for controlling such drugs addiction. Strict ruels should be made for the producers and sellers of hard drugs. The drugs must be banned which is completly harmful to the person. Goverment must estabilish the oppertunities for employment for all. Technical training centers must be given to priority to the youngers. We must help young people for recovering from emotional distrubances without relying on drugs. At last DO NOT DRUGS.

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Saturday, February 6, 2010

Energy from the sun

Saturday, February 6, 2010 0 comments

Energy from the sun

Energy is the power underline all the activities of living and non living things. We have to make use of energy in all walks our ife. We can get energy in various forms. Sun is the main sources of energy. A part from the sun, fuels, hydroelectric power, nuclear power and bio-gas are the other sources of energy. The sun gives our enormous quantities of energy in the form of radiations rays of light and other form of energy. Green plants change the energy of sunlight into chemical energy through photosynthesis. In Oder to accomplish the everyday needs of the human beings, various other kinds of energy are needed. For example, energy obtaining from the fuel, fossil fuels etc. Besides the hydroelectric energy, the energy from the sun or solar energy is also very useful for producing electricity. The energy, for heating, or for driving heat engines, usually comes from a fuel. The fuels obtain from natural gas and coal is called fossil fuel. This is how, energy is very important factor for us in the exception of which the existence of human beings seems to be impossible and meaningless.

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Noise pollution affect in human being


Pollution is the process of making air, water, soil etc dirty or the state of being dirty. There are different types of pollution like air pollution, noise pollution, pollution due to the over crowd of the people, pollution due to the careless through of the garbage and dust particles etc. The more environment is polluted, the more the people suffer from different types of disease. Therefore, we have to be very careful on our part to check this age effectively as it is possible. Nose pollution is caused from the over crowd of the people from the vehicles. When he residential area is over crowded, the area will be full of the people. If the people make unnecessary noises in the junctions and roundabouts, that noise will give negative impact to the students and the other people as well. Noise disturbs the mind of the people, more over of the students mind is negatively and entirely disturbed. similarly, when the drivers play horn of the vehicles in no reasons, that the noise produce by the horns will also polluted our mind and also the environment ultimately.
The more the people the more the noise pollution. The people should takes the points into consideration that their talk, dialogues and multilingual should not any more disturb others.

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importance of physical fitness in human health


importance of physical fitness in human health

Exercise makes our body healthy and active. When
a persons does not do exercise his/her body became
weak he/she becomes lazy, gainsimportance of physical fitness weight and suffer
from many kinds of of diseases like indigation, heart disease and also suffer from mental problems.Physical fitness is pre-requirement to perform any task. A person who is physically fit can do any work adequately. Physical fitness keep s a persons healthy, strong, energetic and active. Our body function under muscular and organic power. This power can be developed to a top limit through regular exercise. A person can be called physically fit only when he/she has developed muscular and organic power adequately with the highest possible efficiency. The highest possible efficiency defers from person to person. The limit is generally determinant by the heredity and health of a persons. it means a persons potential physical capacity may not be the same to others due to his health and heredity.
When a person does not do exercise he/her body becomes week he/she becomes lazy, gains, weight and suffers from many kind of disease like; indigestion, heart and lungs disease and also suffers from mental problem. Our body needs balance between rest and exercise. The persons who does not do exercise regularly, can not do physically works easily and also can not walk and run fast. Because of his/her weak body he loss job and life become difficult. Exercise like running, cycling, mountain climbing, and swimming makes our body fit and always ready for different kind of physical work. Exercise makes our life healthy and easy thus we should d exercise regularly.

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smoking is verry dangerous for human health


smoking is verry dangerous for human health
 smoking is dangerous for health

Smoking is dangerous to health.More people are addicted in tobacco and smoking.Although it is not useful but factories and other forms are making the cigarettes and tobacco. Since 1939,numerous scientific studies have been conducted to determine whether smoking is health hazard.The trend of the evidence has been consistent and indicates that there is serious health risk.Cigarettes smoking is associated with a shortened life expectancy. Many scientific studies have shown that smoking is harmful for our health. Smoking makes our life short. Smoking causes the cancer of lungs,throat,bladder and oral cavity. Male cigarette smokers have a higher death rate from heart disease than non smoking male. Female smokers are thought to be less affected because they do not breath in smokes show deeply. Some physicians think that cancer is caused not only by smoking but also by polutiation, nervous stress, pesticides and chemicals in processed food. However, smoking is major causes while smoking smoker takes in mixture of glasses, chemicals, ash, nicotine and other poisons. This components remain on the membranes of lungs and air tube. Most lungs cancer begin at bronchus. Smoking also effects the heart and blood vessels. It makes veins narrow causes pain in hands and feet and sometimes they should be amputate cigarette smoking has greater effect then cigar or pipe smoking. However nicotine consumption is not less in other forms of smoking. Filter and low tobacco marginally reduce the danger. But they do not eliminate the hazard. To reduce the danger of cancer and other disease one should give up smoking.

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