There are more people in the world. Population is being increased in an alarming rate. Malthus, a malthematician has told that human population always increases to the limit of the food available. After 1990 new scientific technique was appilied so that peoplestarted to restrict the disease. Nowadays cause of modern facilities and education death rate is decrease and there are more people. The developed countries do not have the problem of over population because the people are educated and aware of the consequence of over population. People started to be aware and peace was formed as a reasult was lowered and population increase. More medicine were made and physicians treated the patients. As a reasult of scientfic research, after 1950 western contries began practising birth control. The USA/UK tried to research for artificial and natural birth control method.
In the situation of nepal, the increase of population has also created problems. Inour country, we have also traditional belif that we must produce children more because they are the gift of GOD and ANCESTORS. In Nepal the population was 15 million in the census of 2048 V>S but now this number is increasing in an alraming rate. According to the calculation in2056 Ashad, there are 23 million people. The increase rate is higher. If this rate not lower, we will face more problems in the future
When there is more population in the nation,it results a lot of problem. Some of the problem of population are; poverty, malnutrition, pollution, unemployment,etc. The main problems is deforastation itmeans cutting down trees to make space for people. Due to deforastation, soil erosion and desertification can get high chance. Thanpeople will be suffering the stravation and brain dammage as well as people may die. Malnutrition is the major problem and we have to seen higher child death rates. A poverty family can't send all his children to schol,colleges and universities because they have thefinancial problems. The family are not able to give tat chances of get proper education. Duet to over population the nation can't give adquate oppertunities of employment.
Therefore in our country or the nation all the people must be aware to use permanent and temporary family planning tools. Public awarness as well as good education is more effective to control birth rate. We must not wait for marriage must not to be held before 20 years and birth interval must be 3-5 years. The population is automatically controlled.
In the situation of nepal, the increase of population has also created problems. Inour country, we have also traditional belif that we must produce children more because they are the gift of GOD and ANCESTORS. In Nepal the population was 15 million in the census of 2048 V>S but now this number is increasing in an alraming rate. According to the calculation in2056 Ashad, there are 23 million people. The increase rate is higher. If this rate not lower, we will face more problems in the future
When there is more population in the nation,it results a lot of problem. Some of the problem of population are; poverty, malnutrition, pollution, unemployment,etc. The main problems is deforastation itmeans cutting down trees to make space for people. Due to deforastation, soil erosion and desertification can get high chance. Thanpeople will be suffering the stravation and brain dammage as well as people may die. Malnutrition is the major problem and we have to seen higher child death rates. A poverty family can't send all his children to schol,colleges and universities because they have thefinancial problems. The family are not able to give tat chances of get proper education. Duet to over population the nation can't give adquate oppertunities of employment.
Therefore in our country or the nation all the people must be aware to use permanent and temporary family planning tools. Public awarness as well as good education is more effective to control birth rate. We must not wait for marriage must not to be held before 20 years and birth interval must be 3-5 years. The population is automatically controlled.